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Event Halls & Convention Centres

First impression count for places such as event halls and convention centres where you receive many visitors either locally or internationally. The organisers will decide if they should continue to use these places after they hold their first event with their visitors’ feedbacks. Some of the major complaints are poor maintenance of facilities such as restrooms and bad odours, especially lingering mouldy smell and remnant of food smell.

Medklinn offers solutions for large spaces of all sizes, be it a small office, a large hall, sales galleries or convention centres. Medklinn can customized solutions to address the bad odour problems and sterilized water to effectively clean their facilities such as restrooms and central kitchen.

Medklinn patented Cerafusion technology is proven to be effective in treating such places and are scientifically verified to eliminate:

  • 99%* Bacteria, Virus and Mould
  • Bad odour
  • Cigarette smell
  • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

Other benefits of using Medklinn Solutions are potentially even more valuable such as;

  • Water and energy efficiency
  • Reduced Chemical usage
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Reduced Amount of harmful residues
  • 3000 times more germicidal than chlorine
  • No harmful chemical residual

“…we have had persistent mould issues in the Kent Ridge Guild House here at NUSS, which had been resulting in continuous complaints about strong malodours and stuffiness from our club members. We have tried many different solutions, but the issue remains until we installed Medklinn PRO AS300D. Today, we have received no more complaints about mouldy odours in the reading rooms, and the office and storage spaces do not smell anymore either.”

Mike Chan
Facilities Management Manager
The National University of Singapore Society

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