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Refuse Chamber / Sewerage Plant

Garbage rooms, refuse chambers and receiving areas are not known for their pleasant environment, but improving the condition of these areas is important not only for staff health and wellness, but also for the safety and hygiene of any operation and its surrounding.

Medklinn patented Cerafusion technology is proven to be effective in treating such places and are scientifically verified to eliminate:

  • 99%* Bacteria, Virus and Mould
  • Bad odour
  • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

Other benefits of using Medklinn Solutions are potentially even more valuable such as;

  • Water and energy efficiency
  • Reduced Chemical costs
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Reduced Amount of harmful residues
  • Lower cost in wastewater disposal
  • 3000 times more germicidal than chlorine
  • No harmful chemical residual

“…it doesn’t smell anymore, our staff productivity has improved…it has also helped us to reduce the use of chemical in daily cleaning, there is a ROI…”

Mat Ho

Some Of Our Corporate Clients